Subtitled: The Lost Toys, Tastes and Trends of the 70s and 80s, this is a fun, alphabetical listing of pop culture memories from that time. A former local girl, Fashingbauer Cooper writes the fabulous blog
Pop Culture Junk Mail and brings an authentic love of pop culture to the table.
The descriptions in this book are so vivid, and so lightly snarky that I longed to smell Sun-In and Love's Baby Soft one more time, slick on a little Village Bath lip balm, play Pitfall, go to Burger Chef's condiment bar, and read Dynamite magazine--among many, many more. Crazy side note? This book is beautifully indexed, which always scores a point with your librarian.
Followed by the equally charming and evocative The Totally Sweet 90s, which is ideal vacation reading. Perfect little page-long snappy snippets of fun, snarky remembrances of 1990s pop culture "From Clear Cola to Furby and Grunge to Whatever: the Toys, Tastes and Trends that Defined a Decade." So fun, so delightfully nostalgic.