The CEO Buys in by Nancy Herkness (2015)

When I look at the title and cover of this book, I think: really? I liked this?  But I did.

This is a rather delicious romance novel about self-made, disillusioned billionaire Nathan Trainor, who makes a bet with two other billionaires that he can find a woman who loves him for him, not for his money. Enter temp Chloe Russell who is quickly promoted to his assistant after a flu outbreak, and when Trainor falls ill, finds herself spending time with him at his palatial penthouse.

I love a nice, substantial, competent heroine and Chloe Russell definitely fits the bill. Great character work all around and some lovely love scenes add up to a delightful romance novel.

Also, if you've ever watched the fabulously gorgeous Miss Fisher Mysteries and eyed Detective-Inspector Jack Robinson with interest, you'll love this book. The hero is a dead ringer for DI Robinson, just transferred to the present. Nothing wrong with that.