Showing posts with label 800 Literature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 800 Literature. Show all posts

The Late Bloomer's Revolution: A Memoir by Amy Cohen (2007)

Memoir about a 37 year old woman who feels her life is passing her by. Cohen has a gift for a lovely turn of phrase and her documenting of everyday life and relationships is vivid and quietly funny.

Helene Hanff - Adored Author

Adore all of Hanff's works, starting with 84 Charing Cross Road, a series of letters between Hanff and the proprietor of the London bookshop of the title. Charming for any lover of books. Hanff's books are all genius, especially for anyone who loves books, reading, London or New York City.  The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street is all about Hanff's first (eventual) trip to London.  Other outstanding Hanff works include Underfoot in Show Business, The Apple of My Eye (about New York City) and Q's Legacy, a sequel to 84 Charing Cross Road.