Subtitled "Fat-Free Dreams Just Don't Taste the Same", I picked this up at my favorite junk shop (Practical Collectables and Antiques) in Two
We meet Sunny Weston after she has shed a good amount of weight and is taking up with her longtime work crush who finally notices her. But guess what? Things are
not everything she thought they would be when she was thin. Then, she meets a mysterious man (while saving
a child from kidnapping).
The story is not the point here, nor is the romantic
relationship or the characters. What's fascinating about this book is Sunny's own
relationship with her body and her weight loss. This is some of the best
writing I've ever read on a woman's relationship with her body and her weight.
Fascinating. It's unsurprising that the author used her own weight loss as
inspiration for this novel--her story is so incredibly well-told and authentic.