The Family Fang by Kevin Wilson (2011)

If you like the films of Wes Anderson, you'll love The Family Fang.  They share the same quirky family relationships, eccentricities and attention to detail.  Even the cover art is reminiscent of The Royal Tenenbaums.  In this novel, the parents (of the family Fang) are eccentric performance artists, dedicated to creating unusual and unexpected public scenes.  As the book begins, the parents have gone missing.  Their two children, often unwitting or unwilling participants in their parents' art, now grown and finding their way in the world have to figure out where they parents have gone.

This novel has a strange, eccentric, and funny charm.  And as much as I liked the novel, I LOVED the cover, and kept looking back at it as I read the book.  Shout out to book designer Allison Saltzman and artist Julie Morstad for an amazing, compelling cover.  See also Bookslut's interview with Kevin Wilson that discusses the art (and a whole lot more.)