Sleeping Freshman Never Lie by David Lubar (2005)

Utterly fantastic. Regular guy freshman Scott Hudson is going through his first year of high school, and things are tough. Scott is a good writer and gets pretty inspired by his English teacher, leading to some pretty funny writing like this (from Scott's journal to his yet-to-be-born sibling):

"Today Mr. Franka introduced the topic of stream-of-consciousness writing. That's where the writer sort of vomits the contents of his mind onto the page, just letting whatever comes flow out. Go out. Show out the prose and cons and all the twisty little pretzel bends of each thought untaught in the belief that anyone else on the planet would want to read the spewings despite the fact that the writer didn't plan it but just kept going and going like a battery bunny banging a drum like the drum I wanted when I was five but got a toy clarinet instead which broke when I tried to use it to pry up a rock in the backyard next to the apple tree so I could buy my hurt feelings.

Don't feel bad if you skimmed that last sentence. I sure wouldn't read it. I already spend too much time with my streaming, streaming consciousness.

Mr. Franka didn't talk too much about the topic. 'You'll get a fair dose of it in college if you forget to duck,' he said."

Loved it. Everyone should read it.